
Careers at CapeNature

All current vacancies appear on the right hand column of this page, under the 'Get Involved' box. Click on the career title to see details of the post, and how to apply. If there are no current vacancies listed, please bookmark this page and check back regularly as adverts are posted as soon as positions in the organisation become available. Have you ever considered a career in nature conservation? University of Cape Town (UCT), Stellenbosch University (SU) and University of the Western Cape (UWC) offer a variety of courses in the natural and environmental sciences, and conservation biology. Graduates with a BSc, BSc Hons, MSc or PhD can find work in conservation agencies and can take jobs as either terrestrial or freshwater aquatic conservation scientists (botanists, entomologists, ichthyologists, herpetologists, ornithologists, or mammalogists) conservation biologists, regional ecologists, landscape ecologists, conservation technicians, GIS scientists or GIS technicians. Career progression depends on each agency, but typically a scientist can grow to a senior professional, scientific manager, senior manager and eventually if he/she stays long enough become the Director for Biodiversity. Cape Peninsula University of Technology and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (Saasveld campus in George) both offer national diplomas, B.Tech, M.Tech and D.Tech in nature conservation. Graduates can find work in conservation agencies as field rangers, nature conservators, reserve managers, conservation services officers and managers, community conservation officers and managers, as well as ecological coordinators, project managers for a variety of tasks such as Working for Water, Working on Fire, etc. In these ranks, the career path would typically be in a more managerial direction, and one could move to the position of Area Manager or Director: Operations in CapeNature.