Bird Island Upgrade 4
Bird Island Nature Reserve Conservation

Bird Island Nature Reserve Conservation

Bird Island is not only a tourist destination, but used for scientific research.

The research done on the island relates to the bird populations, in the form of monitoring, censusing and patrols. The Gannet colony at Bird Island is one of the most monitored colonies in the world. It is censured (population recorded) every day, while all eggs stolen by gulls are recorded.

All chicks leaving the Island and caught by seals when leaving the Island are accounted for while all mortalities are recorded. Surrounding beaches are patrolled to account for wash-ups from the Island, while monitoring staff assist Oceans to Coast with monthly Cape Gannet diet sampling and recaptures as well as annual Cape Gannet fledgling ringing. All of the information collected on Bird Island is also sent to CapeNature’s Scientific Services department in Jonkershoek, Stellenbosch.
