Adult education

Poster: Fire - Report Smoke and Fire
This poster reminds us of the important numbers to call to report smoke and fire. Useful for community groups and for teachers when educating on fire safety.

Poster: Marine - Rocky Shores
Learn all about what rocky shores are and who lives there. Teachers can use this poster as a source of information on different types of ecosystems.

Presentation: Arbor Day - youth and adults
Arbor Day is celebrated on the last Friday of April annually. This is a special day to celebrate trees like a birthday. Its purpose is to encourage people to learn about the importance of trees and how to protect them for us and future generations.

Presentation: Defending our climate from change
Scientists are more than 95% certain that nearly all of global warming is caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases and other human emissions. If we don't change our our attitudes towards climate change, we risk facing food shortages and the extinction of many wildlife species.

Presentation: Exploring life underwater – our marine biodiversity
Marine biodiversity is the variety of plant and animal life that we find in the oceans and seas. Marine biodiversity must be preserved because it creates jobs through tourism, provides raw materials for medicine and acts as a food source for both human beings and other animals.

Presentation: Living Fossils - Cycads
Do we know what Cycads are? These ancient plants go as far back as the dinosaurs. Cycads are slow-growing plants but can live hundreds of years and resemble a palm or fern but are not related.

Presentation: Magical Forests: all about forest biodiversity
Forests play a vital role in biodiversity. They provide food and shelter for the many species found in them. In forests, some animals live in the forest canopy while others live on the ground and under shrubs and all share an interconnected food chain.

Presentation: Marine Biodiversity - The Fabulous Forms of Fish
There are some 2 600 species of fish in our seas including 270 families of fishes represented in South Africa, equivalent to 83% of all marine fish families known. Strikingly, up to 13% are endemic, ranking amongst the highest anywhere else in the world.

Presentation: Marine Month and Legislation
Learn about the marine laws that govern and protect our marine environments

Presentation: The web of life - all about interdependence
The world is made up of a variety of plants and animals, and we call the variety of life on Earth biodiversity. These make up the web of life, where each living thing depends on the other for survival.

Presentation: Tortoises, Terrapins and Turtles
South African turtles, terrapins and tortoises. South Africa has five of the seven kinds of sea turtles occurring in its coastal and off-shore waters.

Presentation: Waste - Worms on a mission
How much do we know about Earthworms? Worms are invertebrates meaning they do not have a backbone, instead, they wiggle, crawl and slide. Earthworms have no eyes or ears and breathe through their skin.