Community blogs

Forge’s top five family-friendly hikes to do this festive season
It’s the festive season, baby! And for many families across South Africa, that means packing the boogie boards and hiking boots and heading out of town. CapeNature reserves are naturally a first choice for family vacations over the festive season, and we want to help you get the most out of your next trip.

Kai kisses a frog and makes a new friend

Western Cape Standing Committee visits Stony Point
Last month, the Western Cape Parliament Standing Committee on Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning visited the Stony Point African Penguin colony. Presentations were given by CapeNature colleagues on the history of the site, penguin population trends, challenges and colony management, and socio-economic benefits of Stony Point and the associated On the Edge Restaurant respectively.

Top Activities for Summertime Fun
Summertime is here, welcome December, are you ready for a #CapeNatureSummer? You bring the vibe, and we’ll provide the ultimate summer experience at our nature reserves. Cool down or soak up the sunshine bliss in nature – the perfect opportunity to make endless, magical memories. Read more to start planning your summer activities at one of CapeNature’s gems.

Hiking Trail Summer Safety
CapeNature’s hiking trails are the place to be this season! The suns out, the good times are going, and our bookings are piling up. Our well-known hiking trails are walked by locals, Internationals, and are loved by many… especially during the summer period. We implore our visitors to enjoy a safe experience while embarking on your bucket list adventures.

Black Friday is here – find out where to book!
This year we have exciting news…our loyal and new visitors can make their Black Friday booking from Wednesday 27 November to Sunday 01 December 2024. Yes, that’s right, our Black Friday deals are running all weekend long!

Kai and his friends escape a wildfire

Start planning for Black Friday with CapeNature!
Black Friday is on its way, and you won’t want to miss our incredible deals! We’ll meet you back here at the stroke of midnight on Thursday, 28 November to find out more!

CapeNature in partnership with key stakeholders drives success in wildfire management
From April 2023 to March 2024, CapeNature responded to 89 wildfires, which burned an area of approximately 73 671 hectares, of which 22 762 hectares were on Entity managed land.

KAI AND HIS FRIEND help clean up the beach One
One day, as Kai, the leopard cub, was lying on his back, warming his full tummy in the sun, he was thinking about the class he had attended with his mom, brother, and sister the previous day. It was about survival, the importance of helping your friends and caring for your environment. It all sounded a bit boring, farfetched and un-adventurous! His mom had caught him dosing off in class.

CapeNature discourages engagement with Cape fur seals this holiday season
The public is urged to exercise caution and follow safety guidelines during the upcoming summer holiday season when encountering Cape fur seals. These marine mammals are an integral part of our coastal ecosystem, but it is crucial to recognise that human-wildlife interactions can have severe consequences.

Now you see me, now you don’t: the hidden world of Dwarf Chameleons
The charismatic true chameleons belong to the family Chamaeleonidae and are found throughout much of Africa, Madagascar, southern Spain, southern India, Sri Lanka and the southern Arabian Peninsula. There are more than 160 species globally, which belong to eight genera. The South African endemic genus of Dwarf Chameleons Bradypodion (meaning “slow-