Nature Kids News

Kai kisses a frog and makes a new friend

Kai and his friends escape a wildfire

KAI AND HIS FRIEND help clean up the beach One
One day, as Kai, the leopard cub, was lying on his back, warming his full tummy in the sun, he was thinking about the class he had attended with his mom, brother, and sister the previous day. It was about survival, the importance of helping your friends and caring for your environment. It all sounded a bit boring, farfetched and un-adventurous! His mom had caught him dosing off in class.

The secret of CapeNature’s new ambassador is out!
CapeNature is thrilled to announce the identity of its new Cubs Club ambassador, Kai the Cape leopard cub. Kai was introduced to the public and a group of Cubs Club members on Friday, 5 July 2024, for the very first time.

CapeNature honours its firefighters ahead of International Firefighters' Day
On 30 April 2024, CapeNature hosted a firefighters appreciation event at Assegaaibosch Nature Reserve to honour the brave men and women who were on the frontlines during the Western Cape’s fire season.

CapeNature launches Group Component of its Cubs Club
CapeNature is thrilled to announce the launch of the group component of its Cubs Club. This new addition allows groups of children to sign up for the Cubs Club, expanding the reach, and offering exciting opportunities for organisations, schools and other groups to engage children in environmental education and conservation action. Sign up is free and available to groups with members aged 4 to 13.

Join the Coolest Conservation Club This Biodiversity Day
The CapeNature Cubs Club is a digital platform for children between the ages of 4 and 13 years, where they can learn more about nature and how to protect it.
It's time – announcing the five Matrics going to Antarctica
CapeNature is a proud collaborator for the second year of the “Matrics in Antarctica Project” with world renowned adventurer Riaan Manser. On Friday, 14 January 2022 at 15h15 the top 5 to join Riaan in Antarctica will be announced.

Meet the winner of our "Interview with a tree" competition
The judges had a difficult decision to make, but the results are in, and we are delighted to announce the winner of this competition.
International Vulture Awareness Day, 4 September 2021
04 September marks International Vulture Awareness Day. Vultures have always had a bad rep – think Lion King? Meanwhile, vultures are nature’s essential workers. As scavengers, they are part of a clean-up crew that mop up carcasses and other organic waste, preventing the spread of diseases such as anthrax and botulism!

NASA’s BioSCape Project to assess Cape Floristic Region
The South Western Cape hosts a famously rich biodiversity, both terrestrial and marine, which is largely derived from the phenomenal levels of biodiversity change over very small distances (technically, represented by beta, gamma and zeta diversity as one expands spatial scope). This has attracted the attention of NASA, the United States of America’s Space Agency.

Nature for Water
The 22nd March, is World Water Day and the theme for 2018 is 'Nature for Water' which encourages us to find solutions in nature to the challenges we face with water shortages. In South Africa, this day forms part of National Water Week which is from 18 March to 24 March in 2018. In this article we look at some of the ways in which CapeNature has been fulfilling the mandate to find nature-based solutions to the shortage of water in the drought-stricken Western Cape.