
CapeNature Marine Ranger shines bright at 2024 African Conservation Awards
Chanel Hauvette, Senior Marine Ranger at CapeNature’s Robberg Nature Reserve and Marine Protected Area is the newly crowned winner of the “Best Marine Ranger” category of the 2024 African Conservation Awards.

Penguin Palooza 2021 – Celebrating Collaboration
CapeNature and the Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB) will premiere a virtual celebration of the sixth annual Penguin Palooza on Saturday, 4 December 2021 at 10h00, across the organisations' social media platforms.
Estuaries Between Drought and Flood
The Western Cape has just emerged from, in some areas, up to an eight-year drought cycle. This is linked to bigger global oceanic and climatic conditions. The poor rainfall resulted in low freshwater flows in the rivers and very little freshwater reaching the estuaries which are the receiving environment of the freshwater flows left in the rivers after abstraction and use in the catchment.

The importance of fish diversity and abundance
World Fisheries Day is celebrated every year on 21 November throughout the world by fishing communities. The day helps to highlight the critical importance of fish and the lives they sustain, both in and out of water.