I am in Primary School

Infographic: Biodiversity – plants and nutrition
Learn all about plants’ important role in nutrition.

Infographic: Biodiversity – wildlife sustaining life on Earth: World Wildlife Day
World Wildlife Day is celebrated on 3 March every year to raise awareness around the world’s wild animals and plants.

Infographic: Fisheries
This beautifully illustrated infographic shows how important our fisheries are to our well-being.

Infographic: Groundwater
Every wonder what ground water is and how it works? This infographic explains how important ground water is to us.

Infographic: Marine Protected Areas
This infographic explains what a Marine Protected Area is and why they are so important

Infographic: Recycling and energy
Recycling saves energy - find out how with this interesting infographic on waste and energy

Infographic: recycling and energy
How does recycling save energy? Is there a connection? Have a look at this Earth Day infographic to find out.

Infographic: Water saving tips and valuing water
Learn just how precious water is and how you can save it by making small changes.

Infographic: Wetlands and people
Wetlands are important to people. Find out why with this infographic.
Infrographic Arbour Day 2022 Tips on Planting Responsibly
In celebration of Arbour Week, join the Plant One Million Trees Movement and make a difference.

Interview with a tree competition Winners
Ironwood Eco-venue fact sheet
Ironwood Eco-venue at Grootvadersbosch Nature Reserve offers a curriculum-aligned eco-programme available seven days a week. Have a look at the fact sheet below for more information.